Friday, August 31, 2012

The Movie Talk #4- Justice League, Michael Bay, and More!

    Sorry, I did Movie News instead of the Fall Movie Preview/Highlights because when it was finished, I was only looking foward to about four of the eleven movies so I'm just going to go through them really quickly. I am looking foward to Lincoln, Skyfall, Looper, and the Hobbit Part 1. I would also like to say that I'm pretty sure that Thanos has been confirmed as The Guardians of the Galaxy villian. The trailers released this week have been linked down below as well as a funny video of what The Expendables would be like if Pixar made it. This was made by IGN and contains footage from  Toy Story and I highly recommend it.

    I want to start off the week with an interesting thing about the upcoming (I guess) Justice League. Back on my older blog, I wrote something about the Batman reboot and the Justice League movie and now some news has come out to update the movie. Man of Steel will introduce us to the DC Universe and then for the next three years, DC won't have a movie. In 2016, there will probably be a Justice League Movie introducing The Flash, Batman, and Wonder Woman. If the Justice League is a success financially, we will get a Man of Steel sequel, Batman reboot, a Flash Movie, and a Wonder Woman movie. Not sure about Green Lantern but I think they should reboot that. I don't know about a solo Wonder Woman and The Flash movies because as cool as it could be, they don't have interesting villians. I'll give the Batman reboot a try though.

     The script was also leaked for Michael Bay's TMNT imagining. I couldn't find the whole script online but I found a review that contains some of the script and it is just awful. I was going to write a whole rant about how this is just so pathetic that its creator called it a piece of junk as stated in the article.

     The Avengers is coming back in theaters at least in the USA from today to September 5th. I heard about a possible bonus scene leading up to Iron Man 3 or we'll get a trailer for that film. I hope that happens but maybe they'll just add some other scene that would have nothing to do with Iron Man, which would disappoint a lot of fans. Also, the producer of a bunch of Marvel stuff is going to produce the video game movie adaptation of Metal Gear Solid. I have never played these games so I don't really care about that news so let's move on to our last bit of news.

    Micheal Keaton will be playing the villian in the upcoming Robocop remake coming out August 2013. I hope this is better than Total Recall which I would change my rating from 8/10 to 6/10. Total Recall was predictable the first half and the rest of it was a generic action movie. Hopefully this is not for Robocop it but I do fear that.

   There wasn't that much news this week but make sure to check out Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles script and a Toy Story/Expendables spoof down below. Trailers released this week include The Master, Sleepwalk With Me, The Iceman, red band trailers for Seven Phsycopaths, The To Do List, and The Man with the Iron Fist as well as clips for The Possession, The Cold Light of Day, and Resident Evil 6. If you have any questions about this week's episode, email me here at Also today's question is, "With a possible Metal Gear Solid movie, who do you want to play the main character?". If you aren't into video games then,"With news about Robocop and Ninja Turtles, which one are you most excited for?" You can even answer both! Just email me at and that was Movie News.

Michael Bay's Awful Ninja Turtles Script:
Pixar's The Expendables Spoof:
The Master Final Trailer:
Sleepwalk With Me Trailer:
The Possession Clip:
The Cold Light of Day Clip:
Resident Evil 6 Clip:

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