Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Movie Talk #2- ParaNorman Movie Review

    I wanted to get this review out in between last week's and this week's movie news show so here's my review of ParaNorman. ParaNorman is about a boy, Norman, who can talk to the dead and who must stop the Witch's Curse. I was really looking foward to ParaNorman because I adore stop-motion and the trailers made it look great.
     I think it is safe to say that I really enjoyed ParaNorman and it is my favorite animated movie of 2012 so far. First off, this is the most adult humor in an animated movie I've ever seen and almost reaching the PG-13 rating. You should also not show a four year -old this because they will have nightmares for the next two and half months sleeping in their parents' room. I'm serious. This movie had a lot of funny horror movie references and jokes young kids won't understand.
     It is impossible to describe my respect for the animators in this moive because of how amazing the stop-motion animation was. Do I even have to say the voice actors do an outstanding job? This movie was great in every way except for the pacing. During the final act of the movie, there is a five or ten minute long period where nothing really happens and sucked me out of the movie just a little. I'll give ParaNorman a 9.5/10. I'd also like to change my grade for The Expendables 2 from 8.5/10 to a 9/10. So, I'd like to know, what scared you the most when you were a kid? For me, it has to be Gremlins. I hope you see ParaNorman and stay tuned for this coming weekend's Movie News show.

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